Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How not to do it part 942

I showed up in DA tonight and almost immediately, some chick grabbed my collar. 

That's a mixed bag-- trending negative.  I don't like people just touching my collar, especially without saying a word, and out in the middle of the street.  But I give a little leeway to women, so I waited to see what would happen.

Chick: hello girl
Me: hello there
Chick: what brings u here
Me: i teach at the college...
Chick: yeah? what
Me: mostly art and comportment
Chick smiles
Chick: maybe i can teach u something
Me: yeah? like what?
Chick pulls off ur top

She used the collar to take off my top and jeans, then started dragging me somewhere.  I logged out.

She kinda lost me at "u", but real turnoff was the complete lack of RP.  Things don't have to be realistic, but what kind of scene starts with a stranger collaring you in the street and taking off your clothes? 

(And though DA is a place for rape fantasies-- one, the minimal dialog made no sense for a rapist; and two, DA's rules are actually quite clear about requiring OOC consent.)

Maybe I should have perservered-- for Science.  I strongly suspect the chick was played by a guy.  Could he actually handle a lesbian topping, or would he have pulled out a dick?

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