Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What not to do #whatever

First, a picture only tangentially related to the theme-- namely, what I was up to tonight:

We're supposed to be helpful to the senior staff, you see.  The help professor Dhar had in mind was to get me cuffed, spank me hard, and then suspend me by chains over hot candles.

I had to experiment with this to know how to react.  I mean, I know candles are pretty hot right above them-- you can seriously burn your hand.  But it looked like I was suspended about two feet up.  So I tried it in RL.  I had no suspension rig so I just lit a candle and tested what it felt like at that distance.  Turns out, it's quite bearable; it feels warm but it's not gonna sear your flesh.

Anyway, the unfortunate thing was that he disappeared just as he started playing with me.  I hate when that happens.

But more important complaining: clueless would-be abusers!  Twice in the last week some doofus in DA briefly messaged me and then offered a TP.  One of them said nothing but "comehere"... no spaces even!  That's creepy, but more than that, it doesn't work!  Even true submissives mock guys like that.

There's a girl in DA whose profile begs you not to IM her first.  And I understand that: at least some minimal RP is expected.  I'm far from hard to get!  I won't make you take me out to dinner, you don't need a fancy car or job, and I'll happily suggest a scenario that guarantees you can do what you want with me.  But don't be like the guy tonight who saw me once the professor had poofed and IM'd me "wanna fuck on that [device]?"  Not when you put it that way, no!

How do you do it?  Talk!  Assume a role... in any RP sim you can just play the role and people will accept it.  Also, even if you're a predator, IMs are always to be friendly and respectful.

While I'm talking about creepy behavior, please don't use "rape" to mean "use forcefully".  I submitted to a prof willingly, and he emoted about "raping my lips".  Ugh.  This sounds more stupid than sexy.