Friday, November 23, 2012

Why I'm not around much

Wow, I haven't posted since March.  Partly this is due to my natural laziness, but mostly it's because it's been a long dry spell in Second Life.  Here's a nice picture, but I had to go back over a year to find it.

I don't really know what's happened.  I log on, maybe chat with some friends, wander around a sim where no one is talking, and end up leaving, frustrated. 

This isn't to say nothing good ever happens.  But most of it lately has been dates with my friend Kata, blessings on her.  But it's like everyone else has forgotten me.  I'm really sorry to be so negative, but on the other hand if you looked at my profile and ended up here to find out what happened to me, this is what happened.

My best times in SL have been when I've had either friends I could count on to be around night after night, or a sim that I could wander with a pretty good chance of finding random (preferably sexy) RP.  But all the sims I know have turned dry.  Dark Alley was good for awhile, mostly because of the college headmaster, Tea-- but he disappeared, and I can walk the unsafest alleys and tunnels of DA now without so much as a catcall.  Even at meatmarket sims like Bukkake Bliss nothing happens.

Over a year ago I'd regularly hang out at Doomed Ship, mostly with my friend Rita (pictured above).  But I got a little too much of it.  In part, this is because it turns out that for adventure, horror, and even co-op and roleplaying experience, video games tend to be a better bet than SL.  Once you've played Dead Space, then Doomed Ship doesn't have the same thrill.  I miss the sex, though!

I expect I'll be back intermittently.  I've had dry spells before, sometimes for months on end.  And sometimes I've been lucky and found new friends or an active sim after a long drought.  But at the moment I feel like I'm wasting my time.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Creepy dom

A really interesting warning post about creepy doms from the RL kink community:

It's not the same in SL, because we can log off at any time, and of course there's no STDs.  But I've run into Creepy Dom often enough.  Though in SL it's hard to tell him from Noob Dom.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How not to do it part 942

I showed up in DA tonight and almost immediately, some chick grabbed my collar. 

That's a mixed bag-- trending negative.  I don't like people just touching my collar, especially without saying a word, and out in the middle of the street.  But I give a little leeway to women, so I waited to see what would happen.

Chick: hello girl
Me: hello there
Chick: what brings u here
Me: i teach at the college...
Chick: yeah? what
Me: mostly art and comportment
Chick smiles
Chick: maybe i can teach u something
Me: yeah? like what?
Chick pulls off ur top

She used the collar to take off my top and jeans, then started dragging me somewhere.  I logged out.

She kinda lost me at "u", but real turnoff was the complete lack of RP.  Things don't have to be realistic, but what kind of scene starts with a stranger collaring you in the street and taking off your clothes? 

(And though DA is a place for rape fantasies-- one, the minimal dialog made no sense for a rapist; and two, DA's rules are actually quite clear about requiring OOC consent.)

Maybe I should have perservered-- for Science.  I strongly suspect the chick was played by a guy.  Could he actually handle a lesbian topping, or would he have pulled out a dick?