Saturday, December 4, 2010

The ship is doomed, cap'n!

I've been trying out Doomed Ship lately.  This is a horror sf sim; it's a spaceship that's haunted by monsters, and which various humans and others have found their way to.  And no one can escape.

I'm playing a reporter, and rather than the bad girl I tend to play elsewhere, my character is rather naive and optimistic.  She's determined to find the story she was sent to cover-- it's a hell of a story after all, and it could make her career-- and she's convinced her editor will find a way to rescue her.

Plus, you know, there's all sorts of things to explore.

That's a new friend of mine, Blue.  Well, part of him; he's a big boy, the demon head with the horns didn't fit in the screenshot.  He's been really sweet, actually.  He saved me from a pervy alien armored tentacle-dog thing, so naturally I felt grateful, not to mention curious what a big blue alien was like in bed.

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