Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gay/straight data from OKCupid

OKCupid occasionally posts blogs about the masses of data they've collected from their users, and it's always interesting.  Today they have a great post about gays/lesbians and straights.

Here's the bit I found the most interesting: responses from straight women on whether they've had sex with a woman:

Now, apply the obvious caveats here.  It's a dating site, probably not representative of the population at large-- though they do get all ages and people from all over North America.  But still, one quarter of the female respondents had a lesbian encounter and enjoyed it, and under half never have and think they never would.  Straight men are much less adventurous.  Come on, guys, loosen up... if we like it why wouldn't you?

There's also a neat map where gay-curious people are plotted by location.  It's highest in the west, in Canada, and in the Northeast, lowest in the Deep South.  Oregon is a hotspot; Mississipi is the biggest coldspot.

I wish a similar chart could be made for SL. :)  I'd expect an even larger red zone.  And if you're in the purple zone, look me up, I'll take care of you.

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